SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION FORM SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION Child's Name*First Name *Last NameHome Address*Street *City *State *Zip CodeChild's Birthday*Age At The Time Of Camp*Child's Gender*Parent 1*First Name *Last NameCell Phone Number*Day Phone NumberEMAIL Address of Parent Enrolling Camper*Parent 2First Name Last NameCell Phone NumberDay Phone NumberEMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION *DO NOT list parent/guardian here. PAW will always FIRST attempt to reach parents/guardians in the event of an emergency. Your emergency contact MUST be an adult who serves as third party contact who can be called if the parents cannot be reached.Emergency Contact (If parent cannot be reached)*Full NameCell Phone Number*Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Friend, Nanny, etc.*Pediatrician Name*Full NamePhone Number*CHILD PICK-UP AUTHORIZATIONSChild will be picked up by:*Please selectParentGrandparentCarpoolBabysitterOtherIf other than Parent, complete and return the following form via email: Click Here For: Pickup Authorization Note I give permission for my child to walk/bike home from camp daily:*Please selectNoYesIf YES, complete and return the following form via email: (Please Note: PAWs “Release Authorization” does specifically require your child to leave campus once they sign-out to walk or bike home. Children are not permitted to remain on campus once they are released by PAW, and are no longer under our supervision, or wait at a designated location on campus for parent pick-up.) Click Here For: Walk/Bike Authorization NoteBUILD YOUR SUMMER SCHEDULETWO WEEK CAMP SELECTION: MUSICAL THEATERSESSION 1: June 16 - June 27 (Open at 4 Locations for June 19th Holiday) Activity Choices & Locations Session 1Please selectEl Segundo: Wicked ~ $860Northridge: Wicked ~ $860Pasadena: Wicked ~ $860Rancho Palos Verdes: Wicked ~ $955Redondo Beach: Wicked ~ $860Studio City: Wicked ~ $955Torrance: Wicked ~ $955West LA: Wicked ~ Sold Out Join WaitlistNoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionTorrance ~ $100 per two week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $180 per two week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $180 per two week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionNoneSESSION 2: June 30 - July 11 (Closed for July 4th Holiday) Activity Choices & Locations Session 2Please selectEl Segundo: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860Northridge: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860Pasadena: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860Rancho Palos Verdes: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860Redondo Beach: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860Studio City: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860Torrance: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860West LA: Hogwarts School Musical ~ $860NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $90 per two week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $180 per two week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $180 per two week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $180 per two week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $180 per two week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $180 per two week sessionNoneSESSION 3: July 14 - July 25Activity Choices & Locations Session 3Please selectEl Segundo: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955Northridge: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955Pasadena: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955Rancho Palos Verdes: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955Redondo Beach: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955Studio City: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955Torrance: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955West LA: Alice In Wonderland ~ $955NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionNoneSESSION 4: July 28 - Aug 8 Activity Choices & Locations Session 4Please selectEl Segundo: Barbie Dream Musical ~ $955Northridge: Barbie Dream Musical ~ $955Pasadena: Barbie Dream Musical ~ $955Rancho Palos Verdes: Barbie Dream Musical ~ $955Redondo Beach: Barbie Dream Musical ~ $955Torrance: Barbie Dream Musical ~ $955West LA: Barbie Dream Musical ~ $955Studio City: Barbie Dream Musical (1 wk special session 7/28-8/1) ~ $490NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $50 per Special one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $100 per two week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per Special one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $200 per two week sessionNone*ONE-WEEK Musical Theater Session 4: JULY 28 - AUG 1 Activity Choices & Locations Session 4Please selectStudio City: Barbie Dream Musical (1 wk adaptation) ~ $490Would you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectStudio City ~ $50 per Special one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneONE WEEK CAMP SELECTIONS: Actor's Sizzle Reel • Debate • Guitar • LOL Photography • Stage FX Makeup • Story Slam • Top Pop ChoirWEEK 1: June 16 - June 20 (Open at 4 Locations for June 19th Holiday) Activity Choices & Locations Week 1Please selectEl Segundo: Story Slam ~ $435Northridge: Story Slam ~ $435Pasadena: Actor's Reel ~ $435Pasadena: Guitar ~ $435Rancho Palos Verdes: Photography ~ $540Studio City: Photography ~ $540Studio City: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Torrance: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540West LA: Actor's Reel ~ $540West LA: LOL ~ $540NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $80 per one week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $80 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneWEEK 2: June 23 - June 27 Activity Choices & Locations Week 2Please selectEl Segundo: Actor's Reel ~ $540El Segundo: LOL ~ $540Northridge: Guitar ~ $540Pasadena: Photography ~ $540Pasadena: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Studio City: Actor's Reel ~ $540Studio City: Story Slam ~ $540Torrance: Photography ~ $540West LA: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540West LA: Story Slam ~ $540NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneWEEK 3: June 30 - July 3 (Closed for July 4th Holiday) Activity Choices & Locations Week 3Please selectEl Segundo: Top Pop Choir ~ $435Northridge: Photography ~ $435Northridge: Stage FX Makeup ~ $435Pasadena: LOL ~ $435Pasadena: Top Pop Choir ~ $435Redondo Beach: Debate ~ $435Redondo Beach: Stage FX Makeup ~ $435Studio City: Guitar ~ $435West LA: Photography ~ $435NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $40 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $80 per one week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $80 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $80 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $80 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $80 per one week sessionNoneWEEK 4: July 7 - July 11 Activity Choices & Locations Week 4Please selectEl Segundo: Photography ~ $540El Segundo: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Northridge: Actor's Reel ~ $540Northridge: Top Pop Choir ~ $540Pasadena: Debate ~ $540Pasadena: Guitar ~ $540Pasadena: Story Slam ~ $540Rancho Palos Verdes: Debate ~ $540Redondo Beach: LOL ~ $540Redondo Beach: Story Slam ~ $540Studio City: Photography ~ $540Studio City: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Torrance: Actor's Reel ~ $540Torrance: Guitar ~ $540West LA: Top Pop Choir ~ $540NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneWEEK 5: July 14 - July 18 Activity Choices & Locations Week 5Please selectEl Segundo: Debate ~ $540El Segundo: Guitar ~ $540Northridge: Story Slam ~ $540Pasadena: Photography ~ $540Pasadena: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Rancho Palos Verdes: Actor's Reel ~ $540 Rancho Palos Verdes: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Redondo Beach: Photography ~ $540Studio City: Actor's Reel ~ $540Studio City: Debate ~ $540Torrance: LOL ~ $540Torrance: Story Slam ~ $540NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneWEEK 6: July 21 - July 25 Activity Choices & Locations Week 6Please selectNorthridge: Debate ~ $540Northridge: Photography ~ $540Pasadena: Actor's Reel ~ $540Pasadena: Story Slam ~ $540Rancho Palos Verdes: Story Slam ~ $540Redondo Beach: Actor's Reel ~ $540Redondo Beach: Guitar ~ $540Studio City: LOL ~ $540Studio City: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Torrance: Debate ~ $540West LA: Photography ~ $540West LA: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneWEEK 7: July 28 - Aug 1 Activity Choices & Locations Week 7Please selectEl Segundo: Actor's Reel ~ $540El Segundo: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540El Segundo: Story Slam ~ $540Northridge: Actor's Reel ~ $540Northridge: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Pasadena: Debate ~ $540Pasadena: LOL ~ $540Studio City: Photography ~ $540Studio City: Top Pop Choir ~ $540Torrance: Photography ~ $540Torrance: Top Pop Choir ~ $540West LA: Debate ~ $540West LA: Guitar ~ $540NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectEl Segundo Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNorthridge Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionStudio City Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectEl Segundo Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionPasadena Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneWEEK 8: Aug 4 - Aug 8 Activity Choices & Locations Week 8Please selectNorthridge: Top Pop Choir ~ $540Pasadena: Actor's Reel ~ $540Pasadena: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540Rancho Palos Verdes: Guitar ~ $540Rancho Palos Verdes: Top Pop Choir ~ $540Redondo Beach: Photography ~ $540Torrance: Stage FX Makeup ~ $540West LA: Actor's Reel ~ $540West LA: LOL ~ $540NoneWould you like to add Sunrise Student? Please selectNorthridge Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionPasadena Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRancho Palos Verdes Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionRedondo Beach Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionTorrance Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionWest LA Sunrise ~ $50 per one week sessionNoneWould you like to add Extended Day? Please selectPasadena Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionStudio City Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionTorrance Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionWest LA Extended Day ~ $100 per one week sessionNoneGET A PAW T-SHIRT Order it now with registration for only $20. (Available at camp for $25)PAW T-Shirt*NoYesT-Shirt SizeChild SmallAdult SmallChild MediumAdult MediumChild LargeAdult LargeChild X-LargeORDER A PAW THEATERGRAM A keepsake TheaterGram with your loving words of encouragement will be hand delivered to your child by PAW teachers backstage before the show. Just $10 (A truly wonderful way to help support PAW’s scholarship program)PAW TheaterGram*NoYesCHOOSE YOUR CAMP DISCOUNTOnly ONE discount, gift certificate, or coupon may be applied per registration. The amount will be deducted from your total when PAW manually processes your credit/debit card.*Please selectNo Thank You1st Time Camper (Give PAW a Try) ~ $50 Camp Dollars OFF TuitionSummer in December (Sign up by Dec. 31st) ~ 25% OFF & a free t-shirtEarly Bird Discount (Sign up by Feb. 28th) ~ 20% OFFExtend the Fun Discount (Multiple Sessions at Registration) ~ 15% OFFLoyalty Discount (Returning Student) ~ 10% OFFSibling Discount ~ 10% OFFPAW Pals Discount (Enroll With a Friend) ~ 10% OFFOther PAW Discount or Coupon CodeBILLING INFORMATIONCardholder’s Name (as it appears on the card)*Cardholder’s Phone Number*Cardholder’s Billing Address*Street *City *State *Zip CodeCredit/Debit Card Information* Type Of Card (VISA, MC, AMEX, etc.) * 16-Digit Card Number * Expiration Date (mm/yy) *CV2# (Security Code)CAMP POLICIESI have read, understood and agree to the information listed below regarding dates, rules, and company policies.*Initial HereI have read, understood and agree to all camp registration policies, hours, session dates, attendance, casting and refund policies stated on this form and on the PAW website. I understand that it is my responsibility to “save the date” and attend the session(s) I have enrolled in and that the deadline to switch camp sessions is June 1st (providing that there is space in the session I wish to switch into). I understand that requests to switch sessions must be submitted in writing via email to by June 1st.*Initial HereI understand PAW campers will range in ages from 6-14. Age requirements are as follows: Musical Theater 6-14, Actors Sizzle Reel 9-14, Debate 9-14, Guitar 8-14, LOL Stand Up 9-14, Photography 8-14, Stage FX Makeup 9-14, Story Slam 9-14, and Top Pop Choir 8-14.*Initial HereI understand that all activities are enrolled on a first come, first served basis. PAW reserves the right to offer up to only 60 spaces in Musical Theater per session, per camp site, and up to only 10 spaces in each Actors Sizzle Reel, Debate, Guitar, LOL Stand-Up Comedy, Photography, Stage FX Makeup, Story Slam, or Top Pop Choir.*Initial HereI understand and agree to all of PAW’s COVID safety measures, protocols and policies stated herein. I additionally understand that the following protocols may be subject to change based on COVID case numbers at the time of each camp session. These include but are not limited to; providing an “optional” mask wearing policy with the understanding that it may return to a mask mandate if PAW deems it necessary, requiring frequent hand washing/hand sanitizing, requiring temperature checks for children or adults as needed, not allowing children who display any potential symptoms of COVID on campus (runny nose, fever, cough, headaches, fatigue, etc.). I understand that campers may only return with proof of a fully Negative rapid COVID test (which can also be brought to camp and performed together). I understand that PAW offers an “optional” mask wearing policy for audience attendees with the understanding that PAW retains the right to require masks be worn if we deem it necessary, as well as limiting the number of family members that may attend any camp performance. I understand that some of these policies are prescribed by the CDC for public safety, some are required per each camp location rental and some of which we here at PAW require in order to ensure the safety of each camper, staff member, teacher and family member. *Initial HereI allow PAW to use their selected nurse, physician or to call 911 in the event of an emergency and I cannot be reached.*Initial HereI understand that within 1 week of my enrollment, I am required to turn in via email ( a “Disclosure & Guidance” note to PAW which will outline any allergies, medical needs or special needs that my child may have and agree to provide arrangements as required by PAW. I acknowledge that this is for the safety and welfare of my child and failure to do so may result in my child not being able to attend camp or may result in the termination of camp participation and/or removal from camp.*Initial HerePlease send me PAW’s “Disclosure & Guidance Note Template”, the child I am enrolling with this registration has allergies, special medical requirements, and/or special needs or disabilities. (examples may include: ADHD, Peanut Allergy, Bee Stings, Asthma, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Autism, Asperger’s, Etc.)*YesNoIf YES, please describe...(Descriptions may include: ADHD, Peanut Allergy, Bee Stings, Asthma, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Autism, Asperger’s, Etc.) I understand that PAW reserves the right to substitute teachers, activities, and curriculum as necessary.*Initial HereI allow my child to participate in any promotional pictures or video from the camp.*YesI understand that space is limited and PAW encourages registering early to ensure a spot. A child may join a session after it has begun only if space is available. Once a session has begun, it is recommended that parents call the PAW office to confirm availability. PAW reserves the right to cancel a camp session if the enrollment is insufficient. In the event of a cancelled session due to low enrollment, PAW will refund in full or apply my tuition to another session of my choosing providing space is available.*Initial HereI understand there are no cash refunds if my child is absent for any reason including illness, withdraws early or is removed from camp due to behavior or discipline issues.*Initial HereI understand that the deadline to receive a cancellation refund is May 15th. No refunds after that date. Cancellation of any camp session has a $95.00 nonrefundable registration fee. Cancellation refund requests must be submitted in writing via email to Deadline to switch camp sessions is June 1st, provided that there is space in the session you are switching into and must be submitted in writing via email to*Initial HereI acknowledge that drop off and supervised play is offered from 8:45am until 9:00am. CAMP DAY BEGINS AT 9:00am. Children enrolled in PAW’s paid “Sunrise Student Program” are allowed to be dropped off when the doors open at 8:00am.*Initial HereI acknowledge that the regular camp day ends at 3:00pm with standard pick up period beginning at 3:00pm to 3:15pm.*Initial HereI acknowledge - At sites without extended day, any child not signed out after 3:20pm will incur a $1 per minute supervision fee. - At sites where extended day is available, any child left after 3:15pm will automatically join extended day for a tuition fee of $25 and the child must be picked up by 5:00pm. Any child not signed out by 5:00pm will incur a $1 per minute supervision fee.*Initial HereI acknowledge that I am responsible for providing enough non-perishable food for my child to have a mid-morning snack in addition to a complete lunch and a bottle of water. I also acknowledge that PAW camp staff cannot provide any food or drink to children, nor can PAW provide any refrigeration of children’s lunches.*Initial HereI acknowledge and consent to PAW sending me camp information and updates via phone, email and/or text.*Initial HereI acknowledge that if I selected to allow my child to walk/bike home, PAW requires me to sign a separate release.*Initial HereI acknowledge that if I selected my child to be picked up by somebody other than myself, PAW requires me to sign a separate release with a list of those individuals.*Initial HereIn the event of an Act of God and/or Force Majeure event, I understand, acknowledge and agree to the following: Based on Performing Arts Workshops’ assessment of public health and safety, PAW reserves the right to switch to or from in-person and online programming platforms or to reschedule the PAW Workshops/Camps/Classes. If an Act of God and/or Force Majeure event occurs once a parent or guardian has paid and registered for any PAW Workshops/Camps/Classes, the full tuition credit (if prior to the start date) or prorated remaining tuition credit (if the session has already begun) will be applied to future PAW Workshops/Camps/Classes of the parent’s/guardian’s choosing and is valid for a period of three years from the time of the event. Unused tuition will be deemed to have been forfeited if not redeemed for PAW Workshops/Camps/Classes, in that three year period.*Initial HereClick Here: Definitions of an act of God and force majeure.On behalf of my child and for myself, I knowingly assume all risks arising from participation in activities related to camp programming. I certify that I have legal authority to sign this release/waiver of liability, and sign it without duress or coercion.*Initial HereHow did you hear about PAW? (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, LA Parent, Google Search, Personal Referral From ________ , etc.)FINALIZE ENROLLMENTThis field should be left blank